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Why Do Your Family History

Updated: Feb 3, 2022

To a lot of people, the idea of researching their family history is as much fun as watching paint dry. They would rather have a tooth pulled then sit down at a computer, for hours on end, searching the vast Internet for people that died hundreds of years before. So, why do it? Well, besides the few of us that really do enjoy sitting down at a computer for hours on end (when we can get a way with doing that), searching the vast Internet for our loved ones, it can be rewarding and fulfilling to make those family connections.

Medical History

This is a reason I think everyone can relate to (no pun intended, but now it’s just funny). We all dread filling out the long medical history form at the doctor’s office. But that form obviously helps the doctor understand your health better so they can make better informed decisions in caring for you. The more you know about your family history, the better your doctor can take care of you and help with preventative care.

A Stronger Self-Identity

Google search describes self-identity as “the recognition of one's potential and qualities as an individual, especially in relation to social context.” We are all unique and have amazing qualities to share with each other. As you learn who your ancestors were, you become to understand how some of their amazing qualities may have contributed to who you are today. Our culture and beliefs are a part of who we are. When we connect to our heritage, it can give us a stronger sense of identity.

Save Money

Huh? How does doing your family history save money? Well, if you have a college student in your home or soon to be one, scholarships can save you a ton of money. There are many kinds, like legacy scholarships that are given to those that have previous family members that were an alumnus. Has one of your grandparents served in the military? Some organizations, like the Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) give scholarships to winning essays, but a direct family member has to be a veteran in order to apply. More specific scholarships based on your family history will require proof of the connection. The time invested in searching for your ancestors can be well worth it and pay off when the time comes.

The lists of reasons to research your family history goes on for pages. With each connection that you find though, the more rewards you will receive. Who knows? Maybe after you’ve connected a few families to you, you won’t want to stop. I know I can’t.

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